Controversial American based Nollywood actress, Judith Okpara Mazagwu popularly known as Afro-Candy who last week released the trailer of her soft-porn movie, “Destructive Instinct” has revealed her plans to star the likes of Uche Ogbodo, Cossy Ojiakor and Anita Joseph in her next soft-porn movie.
The actress dropped the bombshell on her facebook page. She called on Nollywood producers to follow her footsteps  by venturing into the production of soft-porn movies for the African market.
Afro Candy
Afro Candy
According to her, “ I was planning to cast Uche Ogbodo in my next movie before she went public. I also have in mind to cast Cossy Ojiakor and Anita Joseph in my next production. You guys can copy me.”
“Destructive Instinct” which is currently greeted with mixed-reactions from fans featured the 41-year old mother of 2 completely nude in sexually explicit positions as she tries to make a daring impact on the industry. Shortly after the release of the movie online, one of the major actors threatened fire and brimstone, as he has asked Afro-candy to either remove the trailer from the internet or have his scenes deleted.
Afro-Candy said, “the actor claimed he had been chased out of his home by his baby mama, and is threatening her to take them all down.”
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